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Pablo Barrionuevo: How do ipRGCs work? Evidence from the pupil light reflex
What are ipRGCs?
Sara Patterson: Color vision circuits for primate ipRGCs
Prof Samer Hattar on "Retinal and brain circuits underlying the effects of light on behavior"
ipRGC Sensitive Optimized LED Spectrum and Its Application | Aug 12, 2021
Twilight Talk – Illuminating circadian circuits
Talk: Melanopsin-mediated regulation of pupil size in natural vision
Talk: Retinal inputs to human neuroendocrine and circadian physiology
Ep 30: Optic chiasm compression and reduced photoentrainment of the central biological clock.
What the human eye tells the human clock
Michael Tri H. Do, Ph.D.
Light effects on circadian rhythm | Wikipedia audio article